We believe that being the first food and wine related event in Australia or New Zealand that has sought to comply with global-standard ISO 20121 to become certified as a sustainable event is our true point of difference, and as such we occupy a unique position as a beacon in Australia’s festival landscape to help lead the way. In fact, Orange FOOD Week may be the ONLY food and wine festival in at least the Southern Hemisphere (and potentially the world) to have sought ISO certification:

“It would appear that the Orange FOOD Week festival has an opportunity to lead the way in this important area. While there are many events (music and lifestyle festivals) around the world that make claims about sustainability initiatives and that have undertaken the process, I can’t find anything specific either in Australia or internationally that publicly reports on their sustainability initiatives that comply with ISO 20121.” Peter Birkett, Instep .

Download a copy of the 2022 Sustainability Event Report.

The process for ISO Certification for the Orange FOOD Week festival to become a globally recognised sustainable event commenced in 2017, the United Nation’s International Year of Sustainability. The 2017 festival was used as the base year for analysis through collaboration with Instep, a New Zealand-based certification organisation.

The festival’s overall environmental impact and carbon emissions were monitored throughout the Orange FOOD Week festival period of 31 March to 9 April 2017 to establish the baseline analysis, and a final report delivered to the FOOD Week Inc. organising committee in June 2017. Results of the analysis revealed that transport to the festival accounted for 99.6% of total carbon emissions, and landfill waste 43% of the total waste profile.

Recommendations were provided in the 2017 Sustainable Event Report to extend availability of Orange FOOD Week’s existing mass transportation services (train and bus) to signature events, as well as to enforce compostable and recyclable packaging for all stallholders participating in signature festival events – with specific waste stations for pre-sorted disposal provided – to target a 75% landfill diversion rate for the 2018 festival, conserve water usage, and reduce emissions per attendee and for the overall festival.

A Quantifiable Reduction Goal was set for 2018 Orange FOOD Week as part of its Carbon and Sustainability Program, with the committee setting a reduction target of 2% in standardised carbon emissions for the 2018 event. Results will be available for Year 2 of the festival’s Sustainable Event analysis in June 2018.

Alphabetical Method: through the sound of the alphabet the words are formed by combining the vowels and consonants. Memorization prevails over comprehension. Phonetic Method: the minimum unit of learning is the phoneme (sound of m, mmm). Vowels and consonants with the image of the object and word are learned, separating by the letter that is taught. Then the consonants are combined with the vowels giving rise to sequences of the type: pa, pe, pi, po, pu. Combining these sequences the words are constructed. Syllabic Method: part of the syllable built with the vowel combined with consonants. The minimum learning unit is the syllable. Vowels are first learned and then the combination of consonants with vowels (pa, pe, pi, po, pu), also the inverse form (as, es, is, os), later moving on to words that combine the presented syllables and then phrases. Global method: part of the word with the full potential of its meaning and also of the phrase with a specific meaning. Then a deductive study is carried out to discover the syllables, the letter sounds, and their combinations. Just look at the website into the section about writing, we could inscribe the Doman Method, which starts from the words with a specific meaning and each word is considered an image. Generating Word Method: it starts with a word that generates the entire learning process, an image is also associated with a word and then it is divided into syllables, letters, sound. Constructivist Method: it is not properly a method of teaching literacy, but a learning theory. Ana Teberosky and Emilia Ferreiro investigate how we learn to read and write within functional and meaningful contexts and quote Piaget: ” The child does not store knowledge, but rather builds it by interacting with the surrounding objects”. The differences between the current reading mediated technologies and reading on paper are explained in this paper of Emilia Ferreiro.

“Orange FOOD Week has now grown into a significant festival and it needs to take responsibility for its impact on the local environment.” James Sweetapple, previous President, FOOD Week Inc.