Join us

  • Join ‘Friends of FOOD’

    Become a member of Friends of FOOD to enjoy exclusive benefits!

    Gain early access to tickets for our sell-out signature events and all the other fabulous events being hosted before they're available to the public.

    Plus, receive monthly e-newsletters packed with special offers and updates on events at our local restaurants and wineries.

  • Become a Business Member

    Joining as a Business Member of Orange FOOD Week is a fantastic opportunity to promote and grow your business, sell products, and engage with your customers.

    Recognising the importance of our Business Members, we are introducing year-round initiatives with the ethos that ‘every week is food and wine week’ in the Orange region.

  • Join the Volunteer Team

    Orange FOOD Week thrives thanks to our dedicated volunteers, and we're always on the lookout for extra hands to help before, during, and after the festival.

    We’re on the hunt for a team of volunteers to help bring the magic to life at our next FOOD Week. No job is too big or too small—every role is important across our Signature Events.

    Plus, you’ll have a great time meeting lots of friendly faces! If you're interested in joining the FOOD Week team, please get in touch.